We’re all filled with much excitement and anticipation for the many things we’re sure to learn from the establishment of our very first drill team in Accra, Ghana. Partnering with a well respected in-country organization like Truth X Vision, we look forward to evolving together the model we’ve created.
Currently, the drill is in transit set to land on June 25th, the team lead by Pastor Vincent Essieny is being brought together keeping in mind the various gifts which will be valuable in forming an effective team. It’s an exciting prospect, molding in the Spirit young men to understand basic business practices, practices which will be invaluable in not only the development of this team, but their future as they – at some point – eventually graduate to having a larger impact on their community.
Meanwhile in Rwanda, World Thirst founder Luke Pinneo is spending the next three weeks getting an in-depth training on the Village Drill, as well as learning what a focused business approach to establishing a manual drill team in under developed countries looks like. Working closely with WHOlives (the Village Drill non-profit arm), World Vision as well as their financing group Vision Finance, valuable lessons are being learned from their longstanding experience, then evolved to what our growing understanding of what awaits us in Accra. He will then travel to Accra for three weeks to meet, learn, and grow the team in these practices.
As we lean into the Spirit and trust It’s leading in this journey, we invite you to come along with us in prayer for this project. Prayer that the team would come together and be stronger than we imagined, that the drill would get through customs smoothly, that the runway would be set for the business to get a good strong jump start. Pray for the hearts of those who will be served by the good work of this team, that we would be led to the groups most in need. Pray for the relationships which will be seeded in the coming months, that World Thirst will grow into a respected organization, our services sought out, our differentiation coming from the way with which we do business, a close second being how. Pray that spirits would be open for all involved, that we would – in humility – be open to all He wishes to accomplish through this venture. If not for the streams of Living Water we’ve all tasted, we would not be compelled to do this work. Thanks be to the good Lord, the source of Love eternal.
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